🗺️Country Coverage

At Echo, our commitment to providing the most accurate and comprehensive POIs begins with a rigorous selection process. We understand the critical importance of data quality and precision, and we've developed a systematic approach to ensure that our POI products meet and exceed customer expectations.

Many countries have met our offering standards, including number of POIs, data quality, and number of brands.

Below is a sample of the countries we currently offer, but please inquire directly if you have additional coverage questions.

Our Data Quality Evaluation

Evaluating at the Country Level

To ensure that our POI data is of the highest quality, we start by evaluating each country individually. This meticulous assessment involves several key criteria:

  • Market Research: We conduct extensive market research to benchmark the brand and industry coverage within a specific country. This involves identifying the presence of well-known brands and assessing industry prominence.

  • Number of POIs: We assess our total number of POI within a country. This includes a thorough examination of data distribution across different industries and categories.

For example, we monitor our brand data quality for every country:

Assigning Quality Grades:

Once we've gathered this valuable information, we use it to assign a quality grade to the country in question. This grade is determined by our internal quality thresholds, which are carefully designed to meet the highest industry standards.

Country Offering:

A country enters our “offering” list when it successfully meets our established quality thresholds, which are stringent quality standards, guaranteeing that you will receive accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive POI data.

Why Our Approach Matters:

Our meticulous approach to selecting our POI products by country is crucial for several reasons:

  • Accuracy: By evaluating data quality at the country level, we ensure that the POI information you receive is highly accurate and reliable.

  • Relevance: Our market research helps us understand the local business landscape, ensuring that our data covers the most pertinent and sought-after information.

  • Comprehensiveness: Our assessment of the number and distribution of POI ensures that you have access to a comprehensive dataset, empowering you with valuable insights.

At Echo, we take pride in our commitment to data quality and our dedication to providing you with the best POI products available. Our systematic selection process is just one example of how we prioritize precision and accuracy in everything we do.

Last updated