💠Interest Segments Taxonomy

Below, you'll find the wording for each of our existing interest segments.

Parent CategoryInterest SegmentInterest Segment Description


Automotive Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit car dealerships, motorcycle dealers, auto repair shops, wheel stores, car repair shops, etc

Car Renters

Postal codes whose residents visit car rental services and companies

Electric Vehicle Owners

Postal codes whose residents visit electric vehicle charging stations

Gas Station Visitors

Postal codes whose residents visit petrol pumps, gas stations, alternative fuel stations, etc

Motorcycle Owners

Postal codes whose residents visit motor vehicle dealers, repair shops, insurance agencies, etc


Community And Social Participants

Postal codes whose residents visit volunteer organizations, community centers, charity, etc

Educational Institution Visitors

Postal codes whose residents visit schools, colleges, kindergartens, etc

Nature And Adventure Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit parks, beaches, lakes, cycling parks, wildlife parks, etc

Fashion and Retail

Books And Literature Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit book stores, magazine stores, newsstands, etc

Children Clothing Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit children clothing stores and related locations

Fashion Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit couture stores, bag stores, designer clothing shops, etc

Footwear Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit shoe and boot stores

Formal Wear Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit bridal shops, tuxedo shops, kimono stores, etc

Jewelry Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit jewelry shops, jewelry designers, jewelers, etc

Leather Goods Aficionados

Postal codes whose residents visit leather goods stores, repair services, wholesalers, etc

Regular Clothing Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit clothing stores, jeans shops, swimwear stores, etc

Second Hand Buyers

Postal codes whose residents visit second hand stores, antique stores, flea markets, etc

Sunglasses Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit sunglasses shops and stores

Tech And Electronics Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit cell phone stores, electronics stores, home audio stores, etc

Watch Aficionados

Postal codes whose residents visit watch stores, repair services, manufacturers, etc

Food and Beverage

Alcoholic Beverage Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit wine stores, liquor stores, beer stores, etc

Bagel Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit bagel shops

Baked Goods And Confectionery Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit bakeries, confectionaries, cake shops, etc

Beverage Place Visitors

Postal codes whose residents visit coffee shops, juice shops, tea houses, etc

Bubble Tea Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit bubble tea stores

Chinese Food Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit Chinese restaurants, bakeries, tea houses, etc

Chocolate Connoisseurs

Postal codes whose residents visit chocolate shops, cafes, factories, etc

Fast Food And Takeaway Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit takeout restaurants, pizza deliveries, sushi takeways, etc

Grocery Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit takeout restaurants, pizza deliveries, sushi takeways, etc

Indian Food Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit Indian restaurants, takeaways, sweet shops, etc

Italian Food Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit Italian restaurants, pizza shops, pasta shops, etc

Japanese Food Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit Japanese restaurants, steakhouses, sushi restaurants, etc

Meat and Charcuterie Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit butcher shops, meat product stores, poultry stores, etc

Mexican Food Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit Mexican restaurants, takeaways, etc

Pizza Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit pizza shops, takeaways, etc

Restaurant Goers

Postal codes whose residents visit restaurants, food courts, steak houses, etc

Seafood Lovers

Postal codes whose residents visit seafood markets, restaurants, stores, etc

Snack Bar Goers

Postal codes whose residents visit snack bars, ice cream shops, pretzel stores, etc

Specialty Food Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit organic food stores, baking supply stores, produce markets, etc

Home and Decor

Building Material And Home Improvement Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit building material stores, hardware stores, lumber stores, etc

Flooring Solutions Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit flooring stores, contractors, installation services, etc

Flower Shop Visitors

Postal codes whose residents visit florists, flower markets, flower designers, etc

Furniture And Home Furnishing Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit furniture stores, bedding stores, carper stores, etc

Gift And Handicraft Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit gift shops, souvenir shops, novelty stores, etc

Interior Decoration Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit interior decorators, designers, fitting contractors, etc

Lawn Care Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit lawn mower stores, equipment rental services, etc

Pest Control Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit pest control service providers and related locations

Pet Owners

Postal codes whose residents visit dog parks, pet cafes, veterinary care, etc

Roofing Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit roofing contractors, supply stores, etc

Stationery Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit stationery stores, office supply stores, scrapbooking stores, etc

Textile Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit fabric stores, textile merchants, embroidery shops, etc

Personal Care

Beauty and Fragrance Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit cosmetics stores, perfume stores, beauty product suppliers, etc

Hair Removal Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit service shops for waxing, laser hair removal, etc

Health And Wellness Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit sports nutrition stores, pharmacies, herb shops, etc

Nail Art Aficionados

Postal codes whose residents visit nail salons and related services

Self Care Service Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit beauty salons, hair spas, tattoo artists, etc

Smoke And Vape Shoppers

Postal codes whose residents visit tobacco shops, vaporizer stores, hookah shops, etc

Spa Treatment Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit day spas, fish spas, spa health clubs, etc

Sports And Fitness Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit sports clubs, sports complexes, sports stores, etc

Tattoo Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit tattoo shops, artists, removal services, etc


Currency Exchange Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit currency exchange shops

Day Care Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit child or adult day care centers

Drycleaning And Laundry Services Users

Postal codes whose residents visit dry cleaners, laundromats, laundry services, etc

Electronics Repair Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit electric repair shops, computer service, mobile phone repair shops, etc

Event Planning Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit event management companies, planners, etc

Insurance Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit insurance agencies, brokers, attorneys, etc

Investment Advice Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit locations related to investment service and related activities

Laundry Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit laundromats and related locations

Legal Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit law firms, lawyers, attorneys, etc

Money Transfer Service Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit money transfer service shops and related locations

Phone Repair & Accessories Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit mobile phone repair shops and accessories stores

Real Estate Consultancy Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit real estate agencies, consultants, attorneys, etc

Tax Consultancy Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit tax consultants

Sports and Fitness

Badminton Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit badminton courts and clubs

Basketball Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit basketball courts and clubs

Board Game Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit board game clubs, chess clubs, etc

Boxing Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit boxing clubs, gyms, kickboxing schools and Muay Thai gyms

Cricket Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit cricket fields, clubs, shops, etc

Fencing Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit fencing salons and schools

Fishing Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit fishing stores, areas and clubs

Golf Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit golf clubs, courses, shops, etc

Gym Goers

Postal codes whose residents visit gyms and fitness centers

Gymnastics Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit gymnastics centers, academies and clubs

Hiking Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit hiking areas and clubs

Hockey Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit hockey fields, clubs, supply stores, etc

Horse Riding Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit horse riding fields, equestrian clubs and stores

Kickboxing Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit kickboxing schools

Martial Arts Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit martial arts schools, clubs and supply stores

Muay Thai Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit Muay Thai boxing gyms

Padel Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit padel courts and clubs

Pilates Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit Pilates studios

Rock Climbing Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit rock climbing clubs and instructors

Roller Skating Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit roller skating rinks and clubs

Squash Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit squash courts and clubs

Surfing Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit surfing schools and shops

Swimming Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit swimming pools, clubs, schools, etc

Table Tennis Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit table tennis clubs and supply stores

Tennis Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit tennis courts, clubs, and stores

Volleyball Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit volleyball and beach volleyball courts and clubs

Yoga Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit yoga studios and retreat centers

Travel and Entertainment

Air Travelers

Postal codes whose residents visit airports, passport offices, visa consultants, etc

Amusement Park Goers

Postal codes whose residents visit water parks, parkour spots, ice skating rinks, amusement parks, holiday parks, etc

Arts And Performance Students

Postal codes whose residents visit music schools, dance schools, photography schools, etc

Casino and Gambling Hobbyists

Postal codes whose residents visit casinos, betting shops, gambling houses, etc

Cultural Sites And Art Event Goers

Postal codes whose residents visit art galleries, museums, cultural landmarks, castles, etc

Entertainment Professionals

Postal codes whose residents visit modeling agencies, event management companies, event venues, etc

Movie Goers

Postal codes whose residents visit movie theaters, outdoor movie theaters, drive-in movie theaters, etc

Movie Renters

Postal codes whose residents visit movie rental stores or kiosks

Museum Visitors

Postal codes whose residents visit museums such as art, history, science, etc

Music Enthusiasts

Postal codes whose residents visit live music venues, musical clubs, music stores, etc


Postal codes whose residents visit guitar stores, violin shops, piano stores, etc

Nightlife And Club Attendees

Postal codes whose residents visit bars, pubs, nightclubs, karaoke bars, adult entertainment clubs, irish pubs, etc

Performing Arts Spectators

Postal codes whose residents visit orchestras, performing arts theatres, choirs, etc

Photography Students

Postal codes whose residents visit photography schools and related institutions

Train Travelers

Postal codes whose residents visit train stations, train ticket offices, train ticket agencies, etc

Travel Accommodation Lodgers

Postal codes whose residents visit guest houses, hotels, inns, resorts, holiday apartments, motels, etc

Travel Consultant Seekers

Postal codes whose residents visit travel agencies, train/airplane ticket agencies, etc

Video Gamers

Postal codes whose residents visit video arcades, video game stores, game stores, etc

Last updated